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Digestion Hacks: The Online Webinar RECORDING

In this webinar recording, you’re going to get heaps of information including: • 5 powerful Ayurvedic practices to radically improve your digestion • Tools to identify malabsorption warning signs before the problem develops • Hippocrate's advice on passing gas. (that still holds true today) This webinar goes beyond eating warm and cooked – although that’s a fabulous principle. These tools are literally life-changing and without them, you’re digestion may well continue to create malabsorption issues for you, compromising your health and vitality.

A$ 20.00 AUD

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Digestion Hacks: The Online Webinar RECORDING

In this webinar recording, you’re going to get heaps of information including: • 5 powerful Ayurvedic practices to radically improve your digestion • Tools to identify malabsorption warning signs before the problem develops • Hippocrate's advice on passing gas. (that still holds true today) This webinar goes beyond eating warm and cooked – although that’s a fabulous principle. These tools are literally life-changing and without them, you’re digestion may well continue to create malabsorption issues for you, compromising your health and vitality.

A$ 20.00 AUD